Getting Clarity is the Number One Key to Improving Your Money Situation!

As I have coached clients in 2023, a common theme has emerged. In fact, 100% of clients coached this year report the same concept has made a positive difference in their money. As they gain clarity and understand their money better, their money seems to last longer and they gain confidence in their ability to manage their money.

In the early stages of working together, clients record all spending. That seems like a lot of work. It does require commitment to the process. That commitment produces tremendous results. The reduced stress is worth the work. (actually, it is not a lot of work)

In a couple of weeks of journaling your spending, a picture will emerge. You will begin to see where your money is going. It will help you to understand where you need to make some changes.

If you could use some help gaining clarity with your money, contact me at

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