Wild Money Success

How would you define Wild Success for you and your money?

Would you think in terms of a dollar amount in your checking account? Would you measure success by your 401k balance? Your portfolio?

Maybe success for you is having a big house and a beach house?

Or, Money Success may be measured by how much you give away each year.

If you are to achieve Money Success, you must define what that means to you. Take some time with a pen and a piece of paper. At the top of the page write “Wild Success with My Money Means:” List as many ideas that come to mind. Be unreasonable in your thinking at first.

Later, come back to your list and edit it. Is it possible to accomplish your goal?

Defining your version of Wild Money Success is one of the first stages to moving forward with your money.

Give yourself an opportunity to work through this exercise and gain insight into your goals!

For more information, visit russbellmoneycoach.com

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